Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Just a friendly reminder, it's strawberry season. If you happened to talk to a German person they'll remind you on a daily basis just how great the local grown strawberries are. The thing is, they're not wrong. 
Fake fact #1: German strawberries are so good that Romans tried to conquered Germany just call them Rom-berries.
Fake fact #2: A few centuries ago Germany lost a war over their strawberries. They were only able to use bad strawberries as ammo. Germany lost because they were unable to find any bad ones to throw.
Fake fact #3: If you eat 12 strawberries everyday for a month, you'll grow as tall as a tree and learn the secrets of the forest.
Fake fact #4: Odin himself planted the first strawberry plant. 
Fact fact #5: Benjamin button ate too many strawberries. 
I hope you enjoy these fact fakes as much as I did eating strawberries, German strawberries.